Send a message to start the AI chat!
You can ask me anything about Patrick Carter!
PS: If you want to learn how to build your own AI chatbot, check out the tutorial on the Coding in Flow Youtube Channel
Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Vercel Blob, Postgres, Prisma, Clerk
A job posting website that allows you to create and view job postings
Next.js, Typescript, NextAuth
An interactive blog website with authentication and admin dashboard.
Next.js, Typescript, OpenAI, Pinecone, Shadcn UI, Clerk
An intelligent note-taking app with AI integration
Typescript, Next.js, MongoDB, Prisma, DaisyUI
Amazon clone that allows you to add products to a cart, sign in, sign out, etc.
Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Mapbox
A website that allows you to find coffee shops near you
Typescript, NextJS, Unsplash API
Image gallery built with NextJS and the Unsplash API
ReactJS, Express, PostregSQL, Clarifai API
Single page React App that uses ML to do face recognition on image URLs